This Brussels summit was an unseemly combination of law-bending and posturing.
The outcome of last week's Brussels summit was economically inadequate and politically damaging for Britain.
That change, he suggested, must eventually trigger a referendum in Britain on the new arrangements to be discussed at a Brussels summit tomorrow.
Last week's Brussels summit did not - for all the advance billing - come up with a blueprint to save monetary union.
It will further undermine confidence in Europe ahead of the Brussels summit, dubbed the "last chance for the euro".
The Brussels summit did not focus on the creation of a democratic, social and peaceful Europe.
That is why at the Brussels summit it was decided that for Europe competition was a means rather than an end in and of itself.
The sole aim of the forthcoming Brussels summit should be to create the necessary political conditions for that to happen.
Meanwhile, leaders pushed ahead with proposals for Friday's Brussels summit.
Those who had bet on a seasonal gift of salvation from this month's Brussels summit have already lost their wager.