Buck left the chopper and walked among the people, keeping an eye on the skies and the western horizon as he listened to the radio.
For example, at one point Buck walks through a cave and ends up in a prehistoric jungle populated with dinosaurs.
Buck had risen and was walking quickly, there was no running left in him, despite his fear that she might be bleeding or in shock.
Buck shook his head and walked away.
Buck dragged his blanket out of the plane but could walk no farther.
Buck walked back to the car with him.
When Buck walked through, most of the conscious patients rolled up on their elbows, as if to see if he was their loved one.
Buck walked to a hiding place, and lifted a sizable coil of rope.
Buck walked the first two batters, struck out the next two, then retired my father on a fly ball to center field.
Buck walked in a daze in the direction of Chaim's home.