The grinning gargoyles look perfectly at home among the Buddha heads, bodhisattvas and bamboo.
Among these remains a Buddha head and stone foundations of a Vihara deserve special mention.
The décor is a pan-Asian opium dream, with rich colors, heavy fabrics and many Buddha heads.
Still, a much-damaged large Buddha head was found buried in the area.
At that moment, the giant Buddha head falls onto them.
For a sophisticated dining experience, the RoN delivers with its dark bamboo interior, Buddha heads and floating candles.
On top of the city gate there were five Buddha heads, four of them facing four directions, the one at the centre was covered with gold.
The first seven months of his restoration was occupied with excavating the grounds around the monument to find missing Buddha heads and panel stones.
His head appeared once more, looking like a grinning Buddha head covered in defiance of all tradition with curly hair.
Look for Buddha heads (small, medium, large) made of volcanic stone and eccentric antiques, including several richly weathered storage chests.