He is among the most brilliant Buddhist scholars in the Thai Buddhist history.
Despite diversity of their schools, Buddhist scholars converge in specifying the " .
Nevertheless, Buddhist scholars have addressed ontological and metaphysical issues subsequently.
(Some Buddhist scholars argue that attain Dyana is not necessary).
Many Buddhist scholars and laypeople all over the world want to help Tibetans to establish a full ordination.
Volumes 86-100, although they were written in Classical Chinese, are actually by Japanese Buddhist scholars of the modern period.
Although pioneering, this work is now regarded as outdated by some Buddhist scholars.
Later Buddhist scholars connect the state of Nirvana with Brahman.
Buddhist scholars such as Dignaga, Buddhaghosa, and Dhammapala lived here.
However, there is disagreement among contemporary Western and traditional Buddhist scholars about the degree to which they were opposed, if at all.