All sentient beings are originally enlightened, yet Buddhist teachings "arouse the longing for enlightenment" in those who hear it.
In Buddhist teaching, souls who enter the Pure Land leave the body through the fontanelle at the top of the skull.
He says he believes the current Dalai Lama is taking Buddhist teaching onto the world stage.
This leads them inevitably to seek Buddhist teaching in this life, he said.
Diligence is an integral part of all Buddhist teaching, and is considered the fourth of the pāramitā.
The rest of the article draws direct connections between ideas in the manifesto and some Christian and Buddhist teachings.
Buddhist teaching was permitted only in monastic schools; religious teaching was forbidden in other schools.
(11) Horses: symbolic of the horse that carried Buddhist teaching from India to China, particularly if white.
The Four Noble Truths are a Buddhist teaching.
How about Buddhist teachings or Taoist liturgy?