By 2015, debt services costs, according to the 2011 budget document, will be £67bn a year - 10pc of the tax take.
Claims will reach an estimated $6.6 billion in 1989, according to budget documents.
Access primary budget documents, information about performance measures, and other various management reports.
He added, however, that the lower estimates were made public last month as part of a budget document.
But the budget documents show that the actual figure is much larger: $101.5 billion of savings over five years.
Details of the announcement can be found at paragraph 1.77 in the Budget document.
The budget documents show spending of at least $110 million a year in aid to the contras from 1989 through 1992.
Detailed budget documents issued a day later showed the savings would be $325 billion.
Below is an easy-to-browse version of the 2011 Budget document.
The budget document is also available on the Internet at: www.