The modern incarnation of this series began in 1982, with sponsorship by Anheuser-Busch Brewing's Budweiser brand.
In order to win the championship in 1984, Johnson gained new sponsorship Anheuser-Busch through its Budweiser brand, and once again expanded to 2 cars.
The beer's darker color is a departure from the other Budweiser brands.
Adolphus Busch introducing refrigeration and pasteurization of beer in 1880 with his Budweiser brand.
In the U.S., Anheuser-Busch started using the Budweiser brand in 1876 and registered it two years later.
The company's Budweiser brand, which dominates the American beer market, has distribution and marketing advantages, he said, including an exclusive wholesaler network.
The beer business is dominated by the Anheuser-Busch Companies, maker of the top-selling Budweiser brand.
It does not contribute to the purses but promotes the races through distributors of its Budweiser brand.
"Anheuser wants to give DDB Needham the opportunity to work its magic with the Budweiser brand," he added.
This is primarily composed of Budweiser brands.