The slowing of restructuring left the Bulgarian Communists with the embarrassment of having announced the conference, for which 3,225 delegates were especially elected, and no significant measures to be approved.
In August he went to Moscow, through the mediation of Georgi Dimitrov, leader of the Bulgarian Communists, reached an agreement with the Comintern.
The clash between the Yugoslav and Bulgarian Communists about possession over Macedonia was not ended.
Asked why, they answered they were Bulgarian Communists.
The passivity of the Bulgarian Communists during the June 9th, coup in 1923 was bitterly disappointing to nearly all factions within the Russian government and the Bolshevik Party.
He told Italian television two weeks ago that he had not the least doubt that the Bulgarian Communists were capable of arranging for the assassination attempt.
They should tell the Press that it was apparently a vendetta between two Bulgarian Communists and that one killed the other with a bomb.
According to another version, they were sent by order of the NKVD, of which the Bulgarian Communists in Moscow were not aware.
He became famous with his movies about Bulgarian Communists, especially guerrillas.
In 1947, in an effort to placate Tito (before Yugoslavia left the Corn-inform), Stalin pressured the Bulgarian Communists to give up Delchev's bones.