Bullets snapped around me, but I was only partially aware of them.
Another bullet snaps by my head and a wall of glass explodes behind me, open to the outside night sky.
The biologist had only begun to react when the bullet snapped his head back.
The bullet snapped through the leather but he had no idea whether or not he'd hit the snakehead.
Bullets kicked up sand or snapped through the scrub around him.
To his right, no more than four feet away, a bullet snapped through the brambles, spraying chopped leaves.
Those bullets snapped mahogany splinters from the arm of an expensive chair.
Some might have-" That was when the bullet snapped through the air no more than a meter from them.
The bullet hit the bridge of the Imperial's nose and snapped his head backward as if it had been kicked by a mule.
He heard the bullets snap and sizzle overhead, too close for comfort, but it only counted if they scored.