But Mr. Sweeney's ambitions seemed to pay off last year when the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that union membership grew by 265,000.
He is also forced to remain in fast until the disease is cured, the Bureau of the Royal Household announced.
The Bureau of Land Management announced in 2000 an updated Manual is currently under preparation.
Suppose, for instance, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics announces that the unemployment rate has risen to 6.3 percent from 6.1 percent.
On May 30, 2011, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources announced a fish kill of 750 metric tons.
In around two weeks time the Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum will announce the winners of a new licensing round.
On Dec. 18, Canada's Competition Bureau announced that the exclusive deal did not break any laws.
The Sheriff's Bureau announced the shoes were brought in by a man who said he found them in a vacant lot in East Los Angeles.
In May 1997, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Export Administration announced that it would ease the restrictions on products used by financial institutions.
The Bureau had announced it was on the trail of a number of "sleeper cells" in the country.