In December 1931 Schade joined the Design Section within the Bureau of Construction and Repair.
Before he could make these changes, Momsen went to the Bureau of Construction and Repair to work on an underwater breathing apparatus for individual escapes.
She remained there until March 1864, when the Bureau of Construction and Repair decided to break her up and sell the wood.
Early in his naval career he served on various stations and in 1909 acted as chief of the Navy's Bureau of Construction and Repair.
The next challenge the Navy's Bureau of Construction and Repair faced was the tonnage cap set by the treaty.
The Navy's Bureau of Construction and Repair was not then convinced that aircraft could be an effective and sufficient armament for a warship.
The ships of this class were designed by the Bureau of Construction and Repair, and were wooden-hulled.
The Marines requested the Bureau of Construction and Repair to design and build feasible landing craft, but to no avail.
He was assigned to the Bureau of Construction and Repair in Washington, D.C., in 1925 to 1929.
Nor had the Navy's own Bureau of Construction and Repair (C&R) been caught napping.