True Burgundy lovers would drop the "some of."
The sound you hear is Burgundy lovers cheering.
Burgundy lovers take the grape variety for granted; they choose their wine not by what it's made from but by where it's made and by whom.
This light-bodied red has the funky, earthy, woodsy character that Burgundy lovers look for.
They come mostly from the flatlands east and south of the village, and their relative obscurity can be a windfall for knowledgeable Burgundy lovers.
And yet, few Burgundy lovers abandon the quest, because the rewards of silky textures and seductive flavors are so great.
Burgundy lovers can only wish that the label would have the same dampening effect on sales as the German one.
This might mean a break for Burgundy lovers.
Nothing is more humbling to the self-styled Burgundy lover than a blind tasting of good pinot noirs from France, California and Oregon.
A Burgundy lover, Mr. Halliday, not unexpectedly, concentrated on pinot noir.