Bush delivered and signed the proclamation while standing beside the tree in 1992.
Mr. Bush has delivered one major speech on the subject, devoted almost entirely to security issues.
Bush not only delivered that strong five-minute speech for the edification of the news media.
Mr. Bush, speaking to military officers, delivered the second in a series of speeches on global terror.
The country would be better off if Mr. Bush delivered what he promised us all along.
Mr. Bush then delivered remarks that promised not only a stronger military but also better treatment of the men and women who served in it.
If Casey asked for two more divisions tomorrow, Bush would deliver, regardless of the political consequences.
The question today will be whether Mr. Bush can deliver the knockout punch.
After missing last week's Republican presidential forum, Bush made numerous appearances and delivered key policy speeches in the state.
Bush delivered a body blow: "You're now for capping punitive damages.