There was no confusion about the first listing and hole to punch on the ballot, for the Bush-Cheney ticket.
I will continue, as I have for months, to promote the Bush-Cheney ticket.
The Democratic electors polled 1,580 votes that year to 1,330 for the Bush-Cheney ticket.
Enron and its executives also contributed millions of dollars to the Republican Party to support the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2000.
It's impossible to think of any instance in which the Bush-Cheney ticket acted comparably.
"Which part of the Bush-Cheney ticket does he support?"
Think about it: 50,000 extra Republicans in a borough where only 80,000 voted for the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2000.
The Bush-Cheney ticket had settled on a two-pronged campaign message.
It's a last-ditch attempt to separate the Bush-Cheney ticket from big oil.
But he said he was untroubled by her support for the Bush-Cheney ticket.