In my Brooklyn neighborhood, which glories in the reflected light of the Buttermilk Channel, that is mid-May.
The only sound was the melancholic tolling of a buoy in Buttermilk Channel.
It was designed to keep the canal clean by pumping water from Buttermilk Channel into the canal and pumping canal water out.
It's a block from the Buttermilk Channel, and in the mornings, salt air bathes the streets.
The tunnel's 9,117-foot length required construction of the shaft, which appears at the surface as an octagonal building with its own island near the Buttermilk Channel.
The Gowanus Canal and Buttermilk Channel are entered from the east.
At the Buttermilk Channel off Red Hook, Brooklyn, cans of Coors Light were passed around.
Behind, the dubious waters of Buttermilk Channel.
Gipec plans to build a second landing on Buttermilk Channel to allow a new ferry service from Red Hook, Brooklyn.
I imagine them now, a 10-year-old girl and her 50-year-old father aboard a tug in Buttermilk Channel.