Nine people were aboard the C-130 cargo plane when it went down on Jan. 2.
The officials said C-130 cargo planes carrying additional troops, armored vehicles and supplies were expected to begin landing at the field within 24 hours.
For now, there is no short-term prospect for any relief, although military officials note that the town's landing strip could easily accommodate C-130 cargo planes.
The C-130 cargo plane, the B-2 bomber, the Seawolf submarine.
From there, a light blue C-130 cargo plane shuttles the weapons to areas in Angola, the diplomat said.
The satellite-guided bomb, sometimes dropped from a C-130 cargo plane, bursts six feet above the ground and destroys almost everything within its target range.
Much of the supplies have been delivered by lumbering - and vulnerable - C-130 cargo planes.
In each test, the Orion spacecraft was dropped from a C-17 or C-130 cargo plane.
Since early July, guerrillas have tried at least twice to attack C-130 military cargo planes with portable surface-to-air missiles.
Alliance officials say it is also possible for American C-130 cargo planes to land there.