As a result electron density builds up above and below to the left and right of the central C-C bond.
The fact that the six C-C bonds are equidistant is one indication of this delocalization.
The central C-C bond in some fulvalene complexes can break reversibly.
Rotation about two central single C-C bonds of n-pentane produces four different conformations.
Carbon has the ability to form very long chains of interconnecting C-C bonds.
The second and third C-C bonds would be pi bonds.
This is one of the most useful methods for the mild formation of C-C bonds.
Its molecule has three rings with four carbon atoms each, sharing one C-C bond.
The stereochemistry of the newly formed C-C bond is harder to predict.
This compound was used as a very powerful explosive due to its high density and highly strained C-C bonds.