Neptune (a hypertext system for CAD applications)
This software is dedicated to engineers who do not necessarily have an extensive experience in CAD applications.
At that time CAD applications were expensive and difficult to use.
The first two types are known as analytical or nonparametric representations of curves, and, in general tend to be unsuitable for use in CAD applications.
In addition, DWG is supported non-natively by many other CAD applications.
Plotters are used primarily in technical drawing and CAD applications, where they have the advantage of working on very large paper sizes while maintaining high resolution.
CAD applications such as NX, Solid Edge can export models in this format.
Rendering graphics can require massive computational resources for complex scenes that arise in scientific visualization, medical visualization, CAD applications, and virtual reality.
However, that card only could accelerate a very limited feature set, and was primarily targeted at CAD applications.
Dassault Systemes had developed Catia, the leading CAD application for the automotive and aerospace markets.