Some CAD packages also allow associative copying of geometry between files.
It has all the standard tools seen in any other CAD package with one great exception, the registered version uses the CorelDraw 3.0 interface.
Dancad has recently been upgraded to this massive version making it the most comprehensive CAD package available through shareware.
An unusual feature for a mid-range CAD package is the ability to generate a bill of parts from attributes assigned to objects in the drawing.
In general the programs work in Microsoft Windows, also integrating with the major CAD packages.
Users looking to avoid everyone's least favorite version of Windows will have to wait for Windows 7 compliance with the big CAD packages.
Surprisingly, the current CAD packages are quite affordable, with most listing for under $150 and some for as little as $14.95.
Many CAD packages exist for the specific purpose of designing planes and perfecting airfoils.
Professional garden designers tend to use CAD packages designed for other professions.
The first CAD package for clothing came out in 1985, which significantly helped to decrease inefficiencies in making and readjusting panel patterns.