Other components' geometry can be seen and referenced within the CAD tool being used.
BMW used CAD tools, still unusual at the time, to design the car's all-new body.
For several years, the company survived by selling a CAD tool dealing with Optical proximity correction.
This CAD tool allowed users to create detailed technical drawings, and was affordable to many smaller design, engineering, and architecture companies.
After a layout is created, additional CAD tools are often used to perform a number of common validations.
Many of these were business programs and included word processors, spreadsheets, CAD tools and more.
Taking full advantage of 3D integration requires sophisticated design techniques and new CAD tools.
This was the first time CAD tools had been used extensively to design a Caterpillar truck.
This includes salary, benefits, CAD tools, computers, office space rent, etc.
These irregular parts can be created using popular CAD tools.