The hole aside, the ozone shield worldwide is projected to erode by 6 percent from continued CFC production by the year 2025.
Meanwhile, the halocarbon industry shifted its position and started supporting a protocol to limit CFC production.
The Senate, with the Bush Administration's support, has voted to press for an end to CFC production by the middle of the decade.
Since that time, the treaty has been amended to ban CFC production after 1995 in the developed countries, and later in developing.
China plans to expand CFC production tenfold by the year 2000, since only one in three of China's 250 million households has a refrigerator.
Controls were first placed on CFC production by the Montreal Protocol of 1987.
And we want CFC production to be eliminated by the end of 1994.
They insisted that an 85 percent reduction in CFC production over the next five years is necessary to stop further deterioration of the ozone layer.
Activity to reduce CFC production was already under way before today's vote.
The company has begun a recycling program, however, to stretch existing supplies as CFC production is cut.