CNN producers also declined to disclose their planned location.
"She had to get off the air until they could fix things," one CNN producer told me.
The CNN producers were constantly aware of the Democrats' efforts to manage the show.
CNN producers also regularly provide "assignments," for possible inclusion in upcoming coverage.
The CNN producer on the site said that she did not see any children among the self-immolators.
It amazed the CNN producer that anything could be so terrifying and boring at the same time.
"We're not wrong on this, we've confirmed it with several people," said one CNN producer.
Odd though the idea might seem at first, this fanciful character helped the CNN producers get a handle on their project.
A CNN producer called in to the news desk to let them know that it must all have been a hoax.
But some impromptu screening by the CNN producers managed to keep the questions respectful and to the point.