In many protocols, mice are coinjected with pertussis toxin to break down the blood-brain barrier and allow immune cells access to the CNS tissue.
Even assuming a pathological definition it is not clear if MS should refer to the presence of scars in CNS tissue or to the underlying condition that produces them, characterized by some yet unknown biomarkers.
These antibodies can cross-react with astrocytes within human CNS tissue and act as autoantibodies.
Following the identification of a BSE-infected U.S. dairy cow in December 2003, FSIS issued new regulations expanding the definition of prohibited CNS tissue to include additional cattle parts.
The damaged CNS tissue has very limited regenerative and repair capacity so that loss of neurological function is often chronic and progressive.
We compared two CNS tissues, the adult retina and hypothalamus, which showed a correlation coefficient of 0.763 when all tags were considered or 0.349 when highly abundant tags were excluded (Figure 5h).
Although there is no conventional lymphatic system in the CNS, the drainage of antigens from CNS tissue into the cervical lymph nodes has been demonstrated.
The Snurf/Snrpn exons are restricted to CNS tissue during development, and only later during adulthood are expressed in other tissue.
The disease is more complicated and severe when the oncospheres settle in the CNS tissue.
NGF is mostly found outside the central nervous system (CNS), but slight traces have been detected in adult CNS tissues, although a physiological role for this is unknown.