This action was thereafter known as the First Battle of Cabin Creek.
The 19-year-old gelding joined Cabin Creek's seven other retirees and is expected to live out his life there, where he will be permanently pensioned.
"It's put about 60 new people to work," said James Thibeault, director of Cabin Creek.
The river then turns north and receives Cabin Creek from the left.
He was 86 years old and lived in Cabin Creek, W.Va.
They smelt a mouse all right, and when their cattle reach Cabin Creek, they'll smell the rat in earnest.
It's understood that night or day your camp can be found on Cabin Creek, opposite the old eagle tree.
There was great rejoicing on Cabin Creek that night.
Action at Cabin Creek July 1-2 and 5.
The concrete road through Florence was extended to just north of Cabin Creek in 1933.