The act established a national policy for the regulation of cable communications by federal, state, and local authorities.
This provision assured that cable communications provide the general public with "the widest possible diversity of information sources and services."
Orders to evacuate, issued over cable communications from neighborhood to neighborhood.
The need for an act to determine who holds regulatory authority for cable communications was quite evident, however it took time to reach an agreement.
(During the day the helio communication was problematic but the cable communication with Desert Column worked well.)
Cox Cable Communications said it intends to sell its 82 Blockbuster Video stores and withdraw from the videocassette rental business.
These codebooks were used by all manner of businesses to reduce the costs of cable communications as well as to provide a measure of security for trade secrets.
"They're betting that this very aggressive increase will pass muster at the F.C.C.," said David Olsen, the director of cable communications for Portland.
"The trend is definitely toward tiering," said David Anderson, vice president of public affairs for Cox Cable Communications, which operates 24 cable systems nationwide.
The Great Northern Telegraph Company signed an agreement with the Empire of Japan, expanding its network of cable communications into Asia.