They sent a California architect, whom they had previously hired to design a new residence, to Utah to examine the mansion.
The Square was named after California architect, Albert Spaulding, who developed the eight block area between 1916 and 1926.
In June 1920, Pflueger passed his architecture licensing exams to become a certified California architect.
The test plan for the CSE is based on the results of a statewide survey of practicing California architects.
Designed with the help of Claude Stoller, a California architect, it serves as a model house for someone in a wheelchair.
Even for a California architect, it is the ultimate in making all the cosmos a stage.
A California architect puts his life on hold when his former wife falls into a coma.
Harry Gesner (born 1925) is an influential California architect.
Edgardo Contini, a California architect and urban designer, died of cancer on Saturday at his home in Los Angeles.
The building was designed by Norman F. Marsh, a California architect.