On the California farm of the Pucheu brothers, last year was a banner one, with a big crop after a perfect growing season.
Collectively these California farms produce 4.5 million kilograms of fish each year.
In addition, thousands of other California farms now use pesticides -a term that encompasses insecticides, herbicides and fungicides - only as a last resort.
Still, as farm workers once lured into construction are returned to the fields, there are signs that the labor supply on some California farms is increasing.
But Ausra sold its planned California solar farm to First Solar.
Bring in, say, 50,000 immigrants from Mexico eager to work on California farms, and one would expect to see wages fall and unemployment rise.
They began by donating four beehives with 48,000 honey bees to a Sebastopol, California farm to call attention to the growing national disappearance of honey bees.
Almost 50% of the food supply consists of fresh produce from California farms.
Russell W. Knudsen founded the company from his California farm in 1961.
Chu warns that global warming could wipe out California farms within the century.