"In February I got the maximum bonus" possible, said one former associate at a large California firm.
The $1 bill promotion was conceived by another California firm, this one an advocate of promotional stunts, called Impact.
Kate Rice, 35, decided to change her voice when she was hired as a spokeswoman for a California retail firm.
California firms and schools won 22 percent of the $140 million that the Government awarded last month for projects to adapt military technologies to civilian use.
In 1978, a California firm offered on the property and the deal went to escrow.
A designer at a California architectural firm gets so absorbed in the market that his productivity falls 25 percent.
The California firm had devised it to plan strategy for multinational corporations in the land international marketplaces.
For example, in 2002, the Pataki campaign paid $3.5 million for radio ads developed by a California firm.
The first leveling technology was developed by Holt Co., a California firm, in 1891.
He left show business to become a space engineer with a California firm.