This could be the start of a broad initiative to address what one California researcher called an autism epidemic.
But the California researchers concluded that there was "no apparent benefit or detriment" to the devices.
The California researchers said the protein building blocks of spider silk might provide industry with clues to developing lightweight but superstrength fibers.
The California researchers also pointed to a smaller study of physicians in England that did not find that aspirin protected against a first heart attack.
This finding prompted the California researchers to caution against recommending alcohol consumption to the general public as a means of curbing heart disease.
Furthermore, a California researcher who found significant improvement in the memories of some patients treated with the drug has acknowledged deficiencies in his study.
The project will work in partnership with University of California researchers who are attempting to develop high-speed wireless digital networks for rural communities.
Babies born in the hours before dawn seem to face a greater risk of death, California researchers have concluded after a seven-year study.
The California researchers took a different tack.
A California researcher recalled interviewing the mother of a 7-year-old child in Philadelphia who cried for his medicine while dying of cancer.