California teenagers start their mornings with crossing guards and school buses.
The name was given up by a California teenager who had registered the names of dozens of well-known brands and Wall Street brokerage firms.
Last Wednesday, a California teenager died at a hospital in Pleasanton, just days after taking prescription pills to abort her early pregnancy.
Only on Court 11 was an American woman, a California teenager, playing for a title.
Two weeks ago, two California teenagers were kidnapped and raped but escaped after the police arrived and shot to death their abductor.
Despite his book's subtitle, Akbar is not your normal California teenager.
The authorities originally suspected Iraqi agents, but they ultimately traced the attack to two California teenagers.
A California teenager paralyzed by a defectively designed semiautomatic handgun lost his bid in federal bankruptcy court yesterday to buy the company that manufactured the gun.
Are the links between the turbaned man, the woman in the gown and the California teenagers confusing?
A decade ago, Pete Sampras was a California teenager about to barge into sports history.