The seas were so bad near the California-Oregon border that the captain ordered the ship turned around for the harbor of Crescent City.
After the death of his wife from cancer in 1972, Williams purchased property on the California-Oregon border where he lived alone for a time in a trailer.
We reach Otter Bar on a July evening more than two hours after leaving the I-5 freeway near the California-Oregon border.
Her normal area of operations extended from the California-Oregon border to Canada and she was also occasionally called upon to patrol the Gulf of Alaska.
Electricity for June delivery at the California-Oregon border, which was the more actively traded contract, ended the day at $8.33 a megawatt-hour.
The other is based on electricity prices at the California-Oregon border.
Pianka was born in Siskiyou County along the California-Oregon border in 1939.
In 1864, the Modoc lived with each other in their ancestral home near Tule Lake, on the California-Oregon border.
The North Coast Section spans from the California-Oregon border to south of the Bay Area.
Two weeks after Grant was elected for a second term, fighting broke out between the Modocs and settlers near the California-Oregon border.