For services to the Cambodian community.
It is also more than 10 percent Asian, with sizable Vietnamese and Cambodian communities.
"People in the Cambodian community kept saying to me that we need to tell the government that this is unconstitutional," Stansell said.
Other refugee resettlement programs began sending Cambodians there, and the growing Cambodian community soon attracted more arrivals.
Long Beach has one of the largest Cambodian American communities in the United States.
The Cambodian community is a silent voice in the desegregation debate.
The French system of administering the Chinese Cambodian community was terminated in 1958.
Lowell became the largest Cambodian community on the east coast, and second nationally to Long Beach, California.
All Cambodian communities should be very proud of this film".
Lowell is home to the second-largest Cambodian (Khmer) community in the nation.