Cambodian and Burmese guerrillas also move in and out of Thai territory.
Once in enemy territory, they are met by some Cambodian guerrillas led by Godenzi and take refuge in a small town.
After escaping, they discover that one of the Cambodian guerrillas is a traitor.
Diplomats of countries that do not aid the Cambodian guerrillas are more skeptical.
In the rice field, we thought Cambodian guerrillas were coming.
The Post said Thai military officers and perhaps businessmen had stolen about $3.5 million from an American aid program for the Cambodian guerrillas.
Washington openly provides the non-Communist Cambodian guerrillas with food, medicine, clothing and money.
Thai military and security officials expected Vietnamese forces to begin a dry-season offensive against Cambodian guerrillas next month.
December 7: Vietnamese troops warned Thailand against continuing to support Cambodian guerrillas.
Geography dictates that outside military aid to all Cambodian guerrillas must pass through Thailand.