Most, including the Cambridge group, believe that a single cosmic explosion created the universe as well as space and time themselves.
With further analysis of spectrums, the Cambridge group winnowed 20 quasars from the 20 million objects in their pool.
The Cambridge group consisted of staff, graduate researchers, and post-doctoral workers.
Only one of the six senior scientists in the Cambridge group, which had originated in Paris, was British.
Thirty years ago there was the Cambridge group.
The story of the Cambridge group and how it has sustained itself is as remarkable as the book it produced.
Helen had a dinner party for the Cambridge group that had helped her in its preparation.
Ryle's interest quickly shifted to other areas, however, and to explore those he decided early on that the Cambridge group should develop new observing techniques.
She was a member of a Cambridge group who were early explorers of Spiritualism and automatic writing.
The Cambridge group is one of eight au pair programs recognized by the information agency's visitor exchange program.