Soldiers from the first battalion provided security at Camp Doha and at several Patriot missile battery sites along the border with Iraq.
As of mid-2006, though the bulk of personnel and operations have shifted to other installations, the actual closure of Camp Doha has yet to occur.
As of last Friday, nonmilitary e-mail from the computers in the library at Camp Doha has been shut down.
At Camp Doha, the Army has converted a port packed with warehouses into a major military storage facility.
South of Camp Doha, American commanders are also moving equipment into a new $200 million logistics base, Camp Arifjan.
The next month, a Kuwaiti police officer opened fire on two American soldiers driving between Camp Doha and Arifjan, south of the capital.
The complex, Camp Doha, was founded in the gulf war in 1991.
The vast majority of the troops are deployed in the desert far from civilian areas or stay within the protected perimeters of Camp Doha.
In addition, there is a permanent American military base on Kuwait Bay, Camp Doha.
A senior military official said the exercise will start in the next 10 days at Camp Doha, a training site on the outskirts of Kuwait City.