She had asserted, just as firmly, that the guards were routinely beating children in Camp Iguana.
But they were not held in Camp Iguana.
Turkistani and the other men in Camp Iguana cultivated their clandestine garden with plastic spoons.
Camp Iguana is a much smaller, low-security compound, located about a kilometer from the main compound.
The authorities have begun to allow tours for members of news organizations at Camp Iguana, where three juveniles are being held.
Three juveniles aged below 16 were held in Camp Iguana, but others between 16 and 18 were put into the general population and treated as adults.
Ten of the detainees who had been determined not to have been enemy combatants were allowed to move to the more comfortable Camp Iguana.
After a couple of weeks at Guantanamo Bay, he was put with two other juveniles in Camp Iguana.
Beginning in 2002, the US used Camp Iguana for juvenile detainees.
The DOD said that all the Uyghurs would be transferred to Camp Iguana for better conditions.