The nonprofit American Camping Association can also help.
A. The American Camping Association is a very valuable association.
But overall, they make up less than 10 percent of the staff at the 7,000 resident camps around the country, according to the American Camping Association.
Strong opposition to the year-round schedule has come from groups with an economic interest in a long summer, like the American Camping Association.
It was founded in 1996 and is accredited by the American Camping Association.
To get accredited by the American Camping Association, camps must meet more than 300 standards.
Officials at the American Camping Association say they have no figures on how many of the nation's 8,000 sleepaway camps are changing the old ways.
About seven million children attend sleepaway camp annually, according to the American Camping Association.
The American Camping Association does accredit such programs (categories range from health and safety to program quality), but few apply.
Directors of 25 camps accredited by the American Camping Association will be on hand.