Canadian Dimension is Canada's longest standing magazine of the Left.
Canadian Dimension draws on a very wide spectrum of writers on the Left.
Canadian Dimension has always regarded itself as a socialist publication though the scope of its socialism has evolved very considerably.
During this period, he was a founding editor of Canadian Dimension, a socialist journal based in Winnipeg.
Monograph published as a special edition of Canadian Dimension, Vol.
"World Trade Organization spurns workers' rights", Canadian Dimension, 13 March 1997, Vol.
Orton also contributed to Canadian Dimension, a left-wing, anti-corporate magazine.
Horowitz was a member of the editorial board of Canadian Dimension in its early days, and a frequent contributor to that magazine.
In 2003, the debate took written form in the pages of Canadian Dimension and on a web-based publication ViveleCanada.
"Whose bread you eat, his song you sing: why doctors and researchers should take a pass on drug industry money", Canadian Dimension, January-February, 2010.