Her father was an oceanographer for the Canadian federal Fisheries and Oceans department, and sometimes would be on assignments away from home for weeks at a time.
The Spanish trawler that had been missing, the Eduardo Chao, was spotted late on Saturday morning by an aircraft chartered by the Canadian Fisheries Department.
The group says their vessel was rammed while the Canadian Fisheries and Oceans department says the coast guard ship was grazed by the Farley Mowat.
Canadian Fisheries, Oceans, and Aquaculture Management (C-FOAM)
Coward, H., Ommer, R. and Pitcher TJ (Eds) (2000) Just Fish: the Ethics of Canadian Fisheries.
Nova Scotia prohibited the taking of Atlantic whitefish under the Canadian Fisheries Act.
Canadian Fisheries Manual: Thirty Years Progress in Canada's Fish Industry (1914-44)
Today, the claims to be protecting the environment made by the mercenary Canadian Fisheries Minister at the time are clearly laughable.
At the age of 15, the younger Collishaw joined the Canadian Fisheries Protection Services as a cabin boy.
Canadian Fisheries Minister John Crosbie blames the shortage on over-fishing by European vessels - notably Spanish and Portuguese -taking cod in the Grand Banks area outside Canada's 200-mile limit.