Large numbers of narwhal are also hunted off the Canadian coast as an ivory substitute.
All that was left were the sagas, and ruins of some sod houses on a bleak Canadian coast.
But almost anywhere on the Canadian coast could be a boat journey.
It usually reaches its peak intensity while off the Canadian coast.
The hazard is well marked, away from the main shipping lanes to the east, toward the Canadian coast.
A more serious incident occurred after the end of the war with America, when Coffin was particularly active off the Canadian coast.
The boat's eighth patrol saw success when she operated off the Canadian east coast.
She was wrecked in 1825 off the Canadian coast and then broken up in 1830.
Into this brutal society comes a naïve young woman from a fishing village up the Canadian coast.
The Canadian coast provides a good example of how man succeeded in totally destroying cod stocks.