The statement reflected the Canadian public concern that the free trade agreement would lead to unprecedented American economic and cultural dominance.
This visit marked an improvement in relations between the countries, which had been strained for three years due to Canadian concerns about Cuba's human rights practices.
Some Canadian concerns about a Kennedy victory did come about.
Disagreement over the passages' status has raised Canadian concerns about environmental enforcement, national security, and general sovereignty.
Its only previous acquisition was Miscoe, a tiny Canadian concern that services computers.
Mr. Clinton said he was sympathetic to Canadian concerns.
Fletcher already has a 96 percent stake in Crown Forest Industries, another Canadian concern.
Yang's time in Ottawa was dedicated to securing more foreign aid for his country, despite human rights abuses and Canadian concerns about corruption.
A year ago, Marion owned just 50 percent of the Canadian concern and did not consolidate its earnings.
"We understand the Canadian concerns, and are prepared to engage in creative thinking," Mr. Yeutter said.