On Dec. 15, 2008, David Radler was granted a full parole and released from the Canadian penal facility in which he was being held.
Canada also allowed their NATO ally to use Canadian facilities and bases for training exercises and weapons testing as per existing treaties.
Another traffic flow comes through the sector from the Canadian facilities.
ART 08 (Watertown 08) - 135.250/377.1000 This sector shares a common boundary with five different Canadian facilities.
Canadian athletic facilities are often listed by their "maximum capacity", which is often an estimate of their largest recorded crowd in the facility.
The Canadian medical facility is located near the Japanese field hospital, which is next to the nursing school, which has been turned into a hospital.
Their Canadian facilities are located in Bolton and Newmarket, Ontario.
Titanium dioxide is mined at three locations in Canada, South Africa, and Madagascar, and refined at QIT-Fer et Titane's Canadian facilities.
The Reagan Administration objects to Canada's refusal to sell herring and salmon in the United States unless the fish has first been processed in Canadian facilities to assure higher profits.
Astronomy: The first significant Canadian astronomical facility, the Dominion Observatory, was built in Ottawa in 1905 by the federal government.