One account suggested that Canadian fishermen are "still at it and making money" and they "know how to fish" by "using the old nets."
They were a French professor, his servant, and a Canadian fisherman.
The Canadian fishermen promised on Thursday night to never again interfere with the ferry operations.
Because of the conservation measures, about 50,000 Canadian fishermen and plant workers have been laid off, mostly in Newfoundland.
It started with a maritime blockade angry Canadian fishermen holding an Alaska ferry at bay for three days.
A three-year-old moratorium on cod fishing has left some 50,000 Canadian fishermen and fish plant workers unemployed.
Canadian fishermen in St Mary's Bay captured young fish and raised them in pens.
By comparison, American and Canadian fishermen are limited by law from using nets no bigger than about 900 feet in the Pacific.
Canadian fishermen are sometimes lured into smuggling by the easy money.
In 1965, the aquarium was contacted by Canadian fishermen who had accidentally trapped an orca.