Canadian researchers are also working to improve quality of life, including caregiving, family support and long-term care.
February 2011: Canadian researchers have developed a microchip for blood tests.
The lead released builds up over time and can reach 100 times the allowable level after weeks or months, Canadian researchers said.
So say Canadian researchers, based on a preliminary, short-term study.
And several specialists said the figure reported by the Canadian researchers was higher than the rate at their own facilities.
One group of Canadian researchers found a relationship between self-esteem and sexual activity.
Now, Canadian researchers tell us that lack of sleep also makes us more stupid.
Since then it has raised and invested more than $1 million to fund Canadian researchers in the field of digestive health.
It is awarded every two years to an outstanding Canadian researcher in the natural sciences.
The Canadian researchers say that tests on animals are needed, but such work would take some years.