The sight of the Canadian shores had changed them into persons of great consequence.
They no sooner set foot upon the Canadian shores then they become possessed with this ultra-republican spirit.
Having moored to the Canadian shore, she felt unwell and consulted a doctor.
The couple spent summers at a cottage on the Canadian shore of Lake Huron.
The lighthouse was built in 1870 and offers visitors a view of the Canadian shore at the top of its spiral staircase.
That night off the Canadian shore had been the straw that had not only broken his back, but destroyed his mind.
Evidence of this culture can be found at the eastern and western ends of the Canadian shore.
Almost two hundred sailors were drowned, and bodies are still washing up on the Canadian shore.
We spent nine days cycling the Canadian shore, riding about 15 to 60 miles each day.
They were touring the Canadian shore from west to east.