Few people even recognize Cantonese cooking as a viable Chinese cuisine anymore.
They had several restaurants that are as great as any in the world and the Cantonese cooking is superb.
This is Cantonese cooking at its purest: fresh ingredients quickly cooked to preserve their natural flavors.
He described the Hong Kong style as essentially a more elegant version of Cantonese cooking.
Many dishes on the menu will sound familiar to aficionados of true Cantonese cooking, the most popular regional food in Hong Kong.
Because of these factors, this dish is a major test for chefs in Cantonese cooking.
Roasted meats, including pork, goose, chicken and suckling pig, are among the many glories of Cantonese cooking.
China's culinary culture with the godfather of Cantonese cooking, Ken Hom.
The hallmark of Cantonese cooking is natural tastes and texture, and when done right, this food has a superb simplicity.
It is more varied and creative than traditional Cantonese cooking.