Clinton met secretly with each of these contenders, mostly at the Capital Hilton, a few blocks from the White House.
"There are solutions to these problems," McMorris said upon arriving at negotiations central at the Capital Hilton.
I was sitting at a table at the bar of the Capital Hilton, two blocks from the White House.
Addressing the group today at the Capital Hilton here, she said, "Thousands of veterans who were healthy when they left for the gulf war are now ill."
Randy Canale, a union negotiator, returned to his hotel, the Capital Hilton, not far from the Pentagon, figuring they would sign later that day.
"This is your confirmation at the Capital Hilton," she said into the receiver.
You're about forty minutes from the Capital Hilton.
Between 1945 and 2006, the dinner was held at the Capital Hilton.
At the Capital Hilton, the rooms are in the center section, away from street sounds.
At the Capital Hilton, a downtown hotel several blocks from the White House, the families and some 50 guests of two newlyweds lazed about the lobby.