The movie is a remake of an earlier Capra film called Broadway Bill (1934).
Matthew Gunter adds that the Fiction Writer "possesses many of the characteristics of the heroes in earlier Capra films.
In 1954, Hurtz moved to Shamus Culhane Productions, and the animation contract for the next three Capra films followed him there.
Writer pairing of the Capra films.
"Like a Capra film, it deals with a very innocent, old-fashioned sense of decency and patriotism."
Maybe they simply forgot those old Capra films with their brutal treatment of American businessmen and politicians.
But following "Broadway Bill," the series offers one unexpected Capra film after another.
But, as Mr. Rafshoon relates, the political environment that inpsired "Running Mates" has changed radically since the era of the Capra film.
This was the first Capra film to be released separately to exhibitors and not "bundled" with other Columbia features.
But as Tommy drives his rounds you begin to sense an atmosphere less like a Capra film and more like something by Stephen King.