Captain Mike Across America is a film written, directed and narrated by Michael Moore.
According to Rotten Tomatoes Captain Mike Across America was very poorly received by professional critics.
Like Captain Mike, they live on boats tucked away in marinas in every borough.
Mike Carew, the owner of Captain Mike's and a former police diver, said many divers were skeptical about going down in city waters.
By the second day I went out with Captain Mike, I had with me a laminated fish-watcher's guide, readable underwater.
I pointed it out to Captain Mike.
It's a good thing I found Captain Mike, who operates his guide business in a casual fashion on the waterfront in Kralendijk.
Captain Mike Across America (2007)
Driven by Captain Mike, it did a 90-minute Washington circuit and plunged gratifyingly into the silvery Potomac.
They were first called lobbyists, Captain Mike reliably informed, because they pestered politicians in the Willard Hotel lobby.