Schramine comprises three species formerly included in Halicyne of mid to late Carboniferous age.
Its higher reaches are formed from a suite of mudstones, limestones and sandstones of Carboniferous age.
Kashagan is a carbonate platform of Late Devonian to middle Carboniferous age.
In contrast, the eastern shore is formed from the more readily eroded rocks of Carboniferous age.
The strata of Carboniferous age are found in three areas:
The Rowley dolerite is an intrusion of late Carboniferous age in the form of a lopolith.
Towards the eastern, southeastern and western margins of the county are successive layers of rocks of Carboniferous age.
It is usually covered by the Zechstein and lies on top of regionally different formations of late Carboniferous age.
The hill is composed of a layer cake of rocks of Carboniferous age all tilted moderately to the south.
Mam Tor is made of rocks of Carboniferous age, approximately 320 million years old.